30 January 2007

The Church

Christ did not need the Church, but he chose to give us one, and through her to reveal to us the depths of his love. Search for Christ in his Church! He is there sleeping in the boat which is the Chruch passing through tumultuous waters, he is always protecting it and guiding it.

23 January 2007

Ordinary Time pt. 2

Bonjour Villagers!
Ordinary Time. On the surface it is easy to say that Ordinary Time is just the time in between the exciting seasons of the Church, Advent, Christmas, Lent, and Easter. However maybe there is something more to this time the Church gives us.
The first thing we should mention is how the Church in her wisdom gives us the liturgical year, which mirrors our life. Everyone can relate to having to wait for something like we do during Advent, everyone rejoices at new birth and a new beginning like we do during Christmas, there is always suffering in life as found in Lent, but after the suffering we discover the fruits of our sufferings and can celebrate again like we are on top of the world, as we do in Easter. So we see so far that the seasons of the Church reflect the seasons and changes of our life. From this thread then Ordinary Time reflects and mirrors how sometimes things are just ordinary. However the Church has sanctified this time of ordinariness and to help us see how God can work through, sometimes even more evidently in what is ordinary, what is simple and humble and doesn't appear to be much. Depending on the year there are about 32 weeks in Ordinary Time compared to the other seasons which added together equal about 20 weeks. The Church reveals God's desire for us to search for Him in everything, especially in what we think is ordinary or insignificant.
Jesus himself chose ordinary men to become his apostles, he chose ordinary men and women to become his great saints. St. Therese, just an ordinary girl who wanted to love God more than anything is now a Doctor of the Church.
happy pondering Villagers. question to ponder: What is good about being ordinary and why is it a disposition that Jesus seems to want in us?

19 January 2007

Ordinary Time

Hiya Villagers!
I thought it would be neat to reflect upon Ordinary Time, being that we are in the Ordinary Time of the Liturgical Year. The first thing I would like to do is pose some questions:
What does it mean to be ordinary?
Is Ordinary Time just a filler for the times in between the great season of the Church?
Why is there an Ordinary Time?
What is so extraordinary about Ordinary Time?

Feel free to ask questions of your own. Hopefully we will be able to discuss the answers to these questions, and grow in a deeper understanding of why the Church in her wisdom gave us Ordinary Time.

17 January 2007


Hey Villagers!!!
Welcome to the new and improved blog. This is new and improved because now I can post something and you can make a comment or ask questions!!! How great. Now we will be able to enter into dialogue about our faith.
God Bless!