Dear Villagers,
We had a great time serving at the Detroit Rescue Mission Soup Kitchen this past Saturday. Although we got lost along the way, we had quite an adventure following 3 different GPS units, which often disagreed. Thank God, we made it at all!
The men who came for lunch were so friendly, and it was a powerful experience to be able to minister to Christ in the poor. We stopped at Wendy's for lunch on the way home to wrap up our adventure in Detroit! Thank you to the Rose family for helping drive us all out there. Don't miss the attached pics.
Come to Village this Sunday for our last regular Village meeting of the year, an Adoration night! Some beloved past games will make their appearance! Also, we've got 3-4 remaining questions from Villagers that need answers, so we'll gather into small groups to find answers together. Father Bill is joining us for our last Adoration night of the year, and afterward we'll have social time with pizza and a surprise party! ;)
Barbara Conlon Shares on St Basil @ DTS this Thursday, 7-8pm
Come out this week to hear Parishioner Barb Conlon share on this holy man! The Dead Theologians Society is a national movement to incorporate the lives of the Saints into the prayer life of the Church– that we would answer the call to live as they did.
* 7-8pm: gather in the Church choir loft for prayer with the Saints! (Elizabeth St door is always open)
* 8-8:30pm: snacks in the Parish Offices
Eucharistic Adoration Night This Sunday, 5/16 from 5-6:30pm
God sends you daily bread to deal with every problem and trial! This week we’ll come together to ask God for the strength to finish out the school year strong! We’ll have pizza and social hangout afterward, with a surprise birthday party for someone we all love. :)
Your Question of the Week: How do I turn someone down?
Over the years we will all have to deal with the uncomfortable moment where we are asked out by someone we know we aren't interested in. When we become aware that someone we don't like is in to us, here are some things we tend to do in response.
1. Avoid the person altogether, surely their affection will dwindle...
2. Deny they like you, surely this will make them stop...
3. Be rude to them, surely they will get the hint...
4. Tell a friend to tell them that you don't like them...
5. Lie through your teeth about your availability or interest in dating...
Go ahead, identify the few approaches you tend to gravitate towards. Now I'll tell you why none of these are very helpful.
First, avoiding someone can be difficult, and you may miss out on some awesome social events. Also, it's sad that unwanted affection has to lead to the end of even a friendship, right? Second, denial. This one is fools gold, it never works. Ignoring problems just gives them time to fester and get bigger.
Third, being rude. So sad that this is often our go-to solution for these situations. There is no need to be unkind to others- as Catholics we are called to honor the opposite sex! Once again, how sad that unwanted affection has to lead to the end of a friendship, right?
Fourth, telling a friend to tell them. This has first grade written all over it! If you aren't ready to communicate face-to-face, maybe you aren't ready to date! No need to let this become an awkward situation with tons of people involved.
Fifth, lying! It's sad that people fall into these "white lies" because they are so terrified of dealing with conflict head-on. Just because you're getting some unwanted affection doesn't mean you have to sin, right?
So please avoid the above mentioned solutions, they all stink!! If someone likes you and you aren't interested, save everyone the awkwardness and ruptured friendships by addressing it head-on. Take the person aside, and as charitably as possible express that you aren't interested in them in that way, although you think they're a great guy/girl. Doing this charitably and one-on-one will show the other person that you respect them enough to address the situation privately and with dignity.
One last sentiment. I love facebook, texting, email, and telephones. However- addressing something like this really should be done in person. Challenge yourself to deal with this situation in person! Trust me, learning to resolve conflict is an invaluable tool!
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