Dear Village Family,
I hope this finds you well and refreshed after a beautiful Holy Week! Our Lord has risen from the grave, and conquered death. This is so exciting! I imagine your excitement is amplified by a week off of school- woot! Vacation is always wonderful. :)
Thank you, thank you to the 10+ teens who came out to help with Stations of the Cross at Glacier Hills last week, it was really special. Everything went smoothly, and many of those who attended said it had been years since they had been able to participate in the Stations! Some people arrived a half an hour early just to make sure they got a good seat. We also got to meet and encourage St Thomas' oldest Parishioner, Katherine Cole who is 103 years old! She said she didn't want to wrestle Chris Silva, she thought she might get hurt. :)
This Sunday is Divine Mercy Sunday, which means there is cool stuff happening here at St Thomas with our entire Parish Family! The Divine Mercy Events are such a big deal that this year we're not having our regular meeting, so that we can all go to this together instead! In the year 2000 Pope John Paul II gave this feast day to the Church- a day to remember God's incredible mercy and pray for all sinners. Read this for more on Divine Mercy Sunday.
This Sunday instead of our regular Village Meeting we'll join our Parish Family from 2-4pm in the Church for:
* Eucharistic Adoration
* Personal Reflections
* Quiet Prayer
* Recitation of the Divine Mercy Chaplet
* Opportunities for Confession
Saint Aloysius Gonzaga @ the Dead Theologians Society
Come out this week to discover this holy man, the patron saint of youth and purity!
· 6:30pm: socializing in the Parish Offices
· 7-8pm: gather in the Church choir loft for prayer with the Saints! (Elizabeth St door is always open)
· 8-8:30pm: snacks in the Parish Offices
Retreat @ Franciscan University of Steubenville!
Spaces and partial scholarships are still available! Cost for participation is $235, all-inclusive. Registration is due ASAP with a $70 deposit. The remaining $135 is not due until April 18th.
This July 9th-11th, join The Village @ St Thomas for our annual roadtrip to the Franciscan University of Steubenville High School Youth Conference!
The Village has been attending these Youth Conferences since 2008, and our teens have unanimously found them to be challenging, inspiring, and lots of fun. This Youth Conference will feature at least one powerful hour of Eucharistic Adoration, the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass each day, nationally-renowned Catholic speakers, men’s and women’s time discussing the call to chastity, and two workshop sessions addressing a broad spectrum of topics.
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