Dear Villagers,
Hope you are all doing well! This past Saturday a group of us went to St Andrew's Episcopal Church to help with their Breakfast Program. We served breakfast to nearly 200 disadvantaged men and women! Brian and Paul served the hot cereal, Clare served juice and milk, Erica and Ellen served rolls with ham and cheese- and Allison gave out the coffee. Renee and I helped where we were needed, and as a group we had an awesome time answering Jesus' call to "feed His sheep" (John 21:17) in a very literal way. Checkout the attached picture of Villagers Serving!
In other news, a bunch of us have decided it's high time we had a random Village hangout! The votes have been counted, and the result is a Bowling Social this Friday from 8-10pm. Come on out and join us at Colonial Lanes on South Industrial! We'll be bowling for a couple hours, and drinking unlimited pop. It only costs $6 to join the party, which includes shoes, pop and bowling. You absolutely must RSVP to me by this Wednesday 2/10 to ensure they reserve enough lanes for us. If at all possible, please submit your permission slip and money by then as well.
The Village News 2/8
No Dead Theologians Society This Week
Read all about St Bernadette in her bio, and join us next Thursday from 7-8pm. Through the Saints of yesterday, the Dead Theologians Society, or DTS, inspires the youth of today to become the saints of tomorrow!
Bowling Social This Friday, 8-10pm
A bunch of us have decided it’s high time for a Village hangout! Therefore, we’re headed to Colonial Lanes this Friday 2/12 for some bowling and pop. We’ll be meeting at Colonial Lanes (1950 S Industrial Ann Arbor, MI 48104) at 8pm. Pickup will be there as well, at 10pm. Cost for participation is $6, and covers 2 hours of bowling, shoe rental, and pop. You absolutely must RSVP to me by this Wednesday 2/10 to ensure they reserve enough lanes for us. If at all possible, please submit your permission slip and money by then as well.
Sunday’s Village, 2/14: Observing the Three Pillars of Lent
As Pope John Paul II once said, “Lent is a time of profound truth, which brings conversion, restores hope and, by putting everything back in its proper place, brings peace and optimism.” The Church needs the season of Lent to help us prepare for Good Friday and Easter Sunday! The Church has given us three pillars which we should use to guide our personal Lenten practices– Prayer, Fasting, and Almsgiving. Join us this Sunday to discover the Lenten call to holiness and how these three pillars can guide you on your path!
Steubenville High School Youth Conference, July 9-11th, Registration Due
Cost for participation is $235, all-inclusive. Registration is due this Sunday 2/14, with a $70 deposit. The remaining $135 is not due until April 18th. Spaces are still available, but going fast. Register soon!
The theme for the Youth Conference is, “and the Word became flesh and dwelt among us.” (John 1:14) We'll be focusing on the gift of the Incarnation of Jesus! Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to grow in your faith and experience Our Lord in a powerful way! Harass Villagers who have gone before to find out what it's like.
Did all my people send in their stuff for Steubenville? Just checking ;) We're all looking forward to it so much!
Sent you an email! :)
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