11 November 2009

Village News: Jason Evert!

Dear Villagers,

Thanks to everyone who came out to Village last Sunday! The girls had an *epic* marshmallow fight, and I hear that the guys built something out of duct tape and boxes that made it to the ceiling before being totally demolished. In addition we had some great dialogue about the "ideal man" and "ideal woman" put forward by the media. It was awesome comparing those false ideals with the ideal presented in the Scriptures by the lives of Jesus and Mary.

I've got some incredible news for you! This Sunday, the St Thomas Respect Life Committee is bringing in renown speaker Jason Evert to address Villagers, Grown-Up Soda teens, and teens from across the diocese. Jason and his wife Crystalina are known for handling sticky issues such as chastity, dating, Theology of the Body, and the struggle for purity- with wit and charm! Check them out online at www.chastity.com! Instead of our regular meeting this week, join hundreds of teens from our area as we gather to hear Jason Evert in the School Gym. Come early, as parking will be scarce! If possible, please bring the suggested $10 donation. Villagers, we're meeting in the Parish Hall for pizza at 6:30pm, and listening to Jason from 7pm to 8pm!

---Join us this Thursday for the Dead Theologians Society, meditating on the life of St Padre Pio...

---Join us this Saturday from 9am-1pm for our last Service Day of the semester!

---Your Question of the Week: "What is the Paraclete?"


The Village News

This Thursday, 6:30-8:30pm: Saint Padre Pio @ The Dead Theologians Society
This week our dead theologian is Padre Pio! He passed away just 40 years ago, a holy man in our own times. Through the Saints of yesterday, the Dead Theologians Society, or DTS, inspires the youth of today to become the saints of tomorrow! Come on out and join us this Thursday.
--6:30pm: social time in the Parish Offices
--7-8pm: gather in the Church choir loft for prayer (the Elizabeth St door is always open)
--8-8:30pm: return to Parish Offices for hot cocoa & snacks

This Saturday, 9am-1pm: Service Day
Last month 10 Villagers dropped fliers at over 300 homes, asking them to participate in our Collection Drive this Saturday, 11/14! At our Service Day Saturday (11/14, from 9-1pm!) we’ll celebrate morning Mass with the Parish, invite God’s blessing on our service with a prayer, collect donations for the Pregnancy Help Center, drop them at the Pregnancy Help Center, and have a short time for debriefing back at St Thomas over a pizza lunch.

Sunday 11/15, 6:30-8:30pm: Jason Evert, in place of Regular Village Meeting
Nationally renowned Catholic Speaker Jason Evert is coming to speak here at St Thomas, sponsored by the Respect Life Committee! Hundreds of teens are coming from across the Diocese of Lansing to hear him speak on Chastity, Dating, and Theology of the Body. Meet us in the Parish Hall for pizza at 6:30pm, and listen to Jason from 7pm to 8pm! Come early, parking will be scarce! If possible, please bring the suggested $10 donation.

Fall Retreat 12/11-12/13
Last year’s Fall Retreat was a blast! Brendan won 5lbs of Fun Dip, we had go-cart races, Eucharistic Adoration, the Sacrament of Reconciliation, and Father Selvam celebrated Holy Mass for us on Sunday morning…Stay tuned for more on this year’s Fall Retreat!

Your Question of the Week: "What is the Paraclete?"
Translated, Paraclete means Comforter, Advocate, Intercessor, Teacher, Helper. ‘Paraclete’ is another word for the Holy Spirit that is used in John’s Gospel. According to St. John the mission of the Paraclete is to remain with the disciples after Jesus has withdrawn His visible presence from them; to inwardly reveal to them the teaching externally given by Christ and thus to be a witness to the doctrine and work of the Saviour.

At our Baptism, Catholics receive a share of the Holy Spirit, and when we receive the Sacrament of Confirmation, we receive the fullness of the Holy Spirit! We receive the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit- wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, piety, fear of the Lord, knowledge.

The Holy Spirit is a Person really distinct as such from the Father and the Son; He is God and consubstantial with the Father and the Son. When we close our monthly Village Adoration, we pray the Divine Praises together. Let’s close with the line on the Holy Spirit: “Blessed be the Holy Spirit, the Paraclete!”

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