23 November 2009
Happy Thanksgiving!
Dear Villagers,
What a blast we had last night with the ultimate Man versus Food Challenge! Together, we consumed copious amounts of Grass-flavored Jello, Squid (beefless) jerky, Lychee Gelatin Mounds, and of course- the iconic Durian Fruit from southeast Asia. As everyone discerned from the beginning, it was going to be a gross food challenge, and it was!
In addition to eating some sticky things, we talked about some pretty sticky things- Self-Harm, Alcohol Abuse, and Drug Abuse. We gave some practical tips to understand and support a friend in crisis. Please don't promise total confidentiality to a friend before you know what they're dealing with, it really is not in their best interest! To be a true friend, promise to keep total confidentiality except for cases where they are at risk of harming themselves or others. You are not a professional counselor, and it may be in their best interest to get help from a trained professional. See the bottom for a list of Resources to Help in Crises.
Self-Harm, Alcohol Abuse, and Drug Abuse are often used as an outlet to deal with a deeper emotional problem. Using these as an outlet in teen years can become addictive, creating an unhealthy behavior pattern that’s really hard to break! Never judge a friend who is dealing with these things, but encourage them that there are better outlets for the stress they're feeling. When God is faced with the 99 sheep who are fine and the 1 sheep who is lost, He will always go after the one lost sheep. Even though these behaviors can be sinful, know that God's love is passionate and forgiving. God's mercy is waiting for each of us in the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
---Registration forms for The Village Fall Retreat (12/11-12/13) are online at findthevillage.com. Get yours in by the Early Bird Registration Deadline- December 2nd, and you could win 5 lbs of Trolli sour gummy worms!
---Your Question of the Week: "Jason Evert really made me think…How do you say no when you’ve already said yes before?"
You are in my prayers,
The Village News
Resources to Help in Crises:
Crisis Pregnancies 24-hour Hotline: 1-800-57WOMAN
Ozone House 24-hour Crisis Hotline: (734) 662-2222
National Addiction Assistance Helpline: 1-800-559-9503
Alcoholics Anonymous-Alateen: 1 (888) 4AL-ANON
Christian Teen Line: 1-800-394-HOPE [Mon-Sun 6pm-5am]
Contact Youth Minister Beth Spizarny at (734) 545-0827
Find a local Therapist at psychologytoday.com
This Thursday: No Dead Theologians Society
Through the Saints of yesterday, the Dead Theologians Society, or DTS, inspires the youth of today to become the saints of tomorrow! Come on out and join us next Thursday from 6:30-8pm when we'll be discussing St Francis Xavier.
This Sunday, 11/29: No Village Meeting
Enjoy your Thanksgiving! Check in with us next next Sunday 12/6 for "St John Vianney & the Year of the Priest!"
Fall Retreat 12/11-12/13: Overview & Early Bird Deadline
Okay, the votes are in, and our longsleeve Fall Retreat t-shirts are going to be black with green and blue text! Thank you for your votes.Check out the RSVP and Guest List for Fall Retreat by visiting 'The Village @ St Thomas' on Facebook. Retreats are unique opportunities to take friendships to the next level through explosive games, incredible speakers, small group sharing opportunities, and copious amounts of food. Village Retreatants escape from the hectic schedule of everyday life to be welcomed into the rich prayer life of the Church with Morning Prayer and Night Prayer, in addition to Holy Mass. Together we will encounter Jesus in the Sacrament of Reconciliation and be blessed by God’s Real Presence in Eucharistic Adoration. Register by Wednesday, December 2nd and you will be automatically entered into our early bird prize giveaway, nearly 5 pounds of Trolli Sour Gummy Worms!
Your Question of the Week: "Jason Evert really made me think…How do you say no when you’ve already said yes before?"
Dating in high school is so hard! Men and women are not fully developed, and insecurities on all sides can easily lead a couple to use one another rather than truly love one another. Know that you are not alone in trying to figure out how to say no when you’ve already said yes before. Typically what happens in most dating relationships gone bad is this: the boy pressures the girl to go further physically (for his own physical pleasure, or maybe because he thinks this is what he is supposed to do), the girl agrees to go further (so that she feels loved even if it’s just for a moment, or because she thinks this is what she is supposed to do). Friends, this is not real love! This is the worldly counterfeit love- in which men and women simply use one another to feel good without experiencing the meaningful depths of real love that loves the other for his or her own sake and not because of what the other can give.
Jesus was always really loving and forgiving towards men and women who had fallen into some unhealthy dating pattern. Think of the woman at the well who had been with many men, and Jesus looked on her with loving compassion and opened up for her the truth that God alone could quench her thirst for love! Remember how Jesus defended and forgave the woman caught in adultery when the crowd threw her at his feet? Know that if there is any sense of shame or fear of God seeing you differently- know that God waits for all of us in the Sacrament of Reconciliation, to embrace us in His forgiving love and give us a clean fresh start.
Okay, now on to your question!! The easiest way to say no when you’ve already said yes before- is to avoid the “near occasion of sin” by avoiding the circumstances in which you are likely to be tempted altogether. For example, in high school my friends would get together at someone’s house to “watch movies” which actually meant they were going to have a makeout session with their significant others. SO in this case, avoiding the movie night altogether is the easiest way to say no!!
Other ways to avoid temptation: 1. Ask some legit Christian friends to pray for you, to help you make good decisions. 2. Develop more friendships with those who are rejecting the empty worldly counterfeit of love. Having friends who are like-minded can give you more healthy outlets for fun social hangouts. 3. Tell anyone who pressures you to say yes that you are worth waiting for! Remember Jason’s line- love waits to give but lust can’t wait to take. If you are truly loved, they will wait to show you their love in a physical way. If they keep pressuring you, END IT. (A good friend of mine is on to Man #3 in her adult life- she’s walked away from 2 who said they would wait but still pressured her not to. Be strong! You are worth it!)
Here are a couple other ways to rebuild a Christian understanding of dating. Spend some time thinking about what physical affection means- for starters, affection is intended to be an outward sign of an inward reality. Secondly, make a list of physical boundaries that you would want to use in a dating relationship that would be pleasing to God. This way when the next situation comes along, you’re prepared!
16 November 2009
Village News: Purity & Peer Counseling
Dear Villagers,
Great to see so many of you out at Jason Evert's talk last night! It was neat to hear Jason cover so many different topics from a Catholic perspective- the real side effects of birth control, the proper role of sex in marriage, and real love versus lust. I highly recommend that you check out his website www.chastity.com, for more Q&A on Dating, How Far is Too Far, Pornography, Homosexuality, Birth Control, STD's, Starting Over, How to Stay Pure, and Vocations. Purity can be hard, so we must pray even harder asking God to help us- to make us the men and women that we are called to be!
At this Sunday's Village, we'll be discussing some tough issues, alcohol abuse- drug abuse- and self-harm. Research has shown that teens are much more likely to go to someone their own age when facing a crisis, rather than an adult. Are you prepared to be the Good Samaritan to a friend dealing with these hard situations? Have you struggled with any of these yourself? You are not alone! Join us Sunday for prayer along with practical tips to understand and support those you care about.
--Join us this Thursday for the Dead Theologians Society, meditating on the life of St Elizabeth of Hungary.
--Register for The Village Fall Retreat (12/11-12/13) by the Early Bird Registration Deadline- December 2nd, and you could win 5 lbs of Trolli sour gummy worms!
--Your Question of the Week: "How far can you go in a dating relationship without going against the Catholic Faith?"
You are in my prayers!
The Village News
Recap: Service Day
Thank you to those who came out this past Saturday to help collect the donations for the Pregnancy Help Center! Last month, a number of Villagers and Volunteers flyered 400+ homes, requesting donations that would be picked up this past Saturday, 11/14. We raised awareness for the Pregnancy Help Center, and were able to collect nearly 5 boxes worth of supplies! Thank you, Villagers, for being Christ’s hands and feet in the world.
This Thursday, 6:30-8:30pm: Saint Elizabeth of Hungary @ Dead Theologians Society
Saint Elizabeth was born a real Princess, and lived a life of piety and sacrifice- an awesome Catholic Disney film! Through the Saints of yesterday, the Dead Theologians Society, or DTS, inspires the youth of today to become the saints of tomorrow! Come on out and join us this Thursday.
-6:30pm: social time in the Parish Offices
-7-8pm: gather in the Church choir loft for prayer (the Elizabeth St door is always open)
-8-8:30pm: return to Parish Offices for hot cocoa & snacks
This Sunday's Village, 11/22: Peer Counseling Workshops
Most teens experiencing a crisis are more likely to go to a friend their own age for support, than an adult. Are you ready to be the Good Samaritan to a friend struggling with alcohol abuse, drug use, or self-harm? Have you struggled with any of these yourself? You are not alone! Join us this Sunday for an introduction to these tough topics from a Catholic perspective, and some tips to help you support a friend in the midst of some pretty nasty stuff.
Fall Retreat 12/11-12/13: Overview & Early Bird Deadline
Retreats are the high point of all youth ministry activity! Retreats are unique opportunities to take friendships to the next level through explosive games, incredible speakers, small group sharing opportunities, and copious amounts of food. Village Retreatants escape from the hectic schedule of everyday life to be welcomed into the rich prayer life of the Church with Morning Prayer and Night Prayer, in addition to Holy Mass. Together we will encounter Jesus in the Sacrament of Reconciliation and be blessed by God’s Real Presence in Eucharistic Adoration. Register by Wednesday, December 2nd and you will be automatically entered into our early bird prize giveaway, nearly 5 pounds of Trolli Sour Gummy Worms!
Your Question of the Week: "How far can you go in a dating relationship without going against the Catholic faith?"
Okay, first of all- there are Four Domains of Dating Relationships.
1. Spiritual: Pray together, Go to mass together, Talk about your prayer life together
2. Intellectual: Watch the news together, Read a book together! Talk!
3. Emotional: “Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.” (Galatians 6:2) “Keep fervent in your love for one another, because love covers a multitude of sins.” (1 Peter 4:8) Use all five Love Languages: Quality Time, Acts of Service, Verbal Affirmation, Gifts, Physical Affirmation
4. Physical: Commit yourself to living chastely! The great gift of sex is stripped of all meaning when it is given without life commitment of marriage
Okay, so within that framework, let’s talk about what physical affection means. Physical manifestations of affection are meant to be outward signs of inward realities. What are you expressing to your significant other through your affections? When our physical actions are an end in themselves, we are not treating the other as a person created for his or her own sake, but as a means to our own selfish physical satisfaction. Are we kissing the other person for our own physical gratification, or are we speaking to them of their goodness, and our affection for them? We are called to love the other person for their own sake- not to use them.
Sometimes we can give away too much of ourselves without realizing what it means. Sexual love represents the deepest intimacy you can have with another person! As Catholics, we are called to safeguard Chastity and the sanctity of marriage by avoiding all physical activities designed to sexually arouse the other person.
My last preface to the physical boundaries I’m going to give is this: We need to change our perspective from how much can I get away with, to how can I honor God and my future spouse with this dating relationship?
Here are some dating boundaries that have been passed on to me that I believe to be helpful in safeguarding against sin. First: avoid premarital sex, it is a mortal sin. Avoid passionate kissing. Always stay above the waist (oral sex is a mortal sin). Always keep all of your clothes on. Lying down together is a bad idea, it can lead to badness. Talk openly about the boundaries you find helpful- consider always keeping the door open, or only hanging out exclusively when someone else is nearby.
Again, let your physical actions be a reflection of your affection for the other, but keep the physical aspect of your relationship balanced with other domains. Know that in Christ there is always forgiveness, and there can always be a new beginning, a fresh start. If you fall, make sure you get to Confession to repent and receive Jesus’ forgiveness and mercy!
Great to see so many of you out at Jason Evert's talk last night! It was neat to hear Jason cover so many different topics from a Catholic perspective- the real side effects of birth control, the proper role of sex in marriage, and real love versus lust. I highly recommend that you check out his website www.chastity.com, for more Q&A on Dating, How Far is Too Far, Pornography, Homosexuality, Birth Control, STD's, Starting Over, How to Stay Pure, and Vocations. Purity can be hard, so we must pray even harder asking God to help us- to make us the men and women that we are called to be!
At this Sunday's Village, we'll be discussing some tough issues, alcohol abuse- drug abuse- and self-harm. Research has shown that teens are much more likely to go to someone their own age when facing a crisis, rather than an adult. Are you prepared to be the Good Samaritan to a friend dealing with these hard situations? Have you struggled with any of these yourself? You are not alone! Join us Sunday for prayer along with practical tips to understand and support those you care about.
--Join us this Thursday for the Dead Theologians Society, meditating on the life of St Elizabeth of Hungary.
--Register for The Village Fall Retreat (12/11-12/13) by the Early Bird Registration Deadline- December 2nd, and you could win 5 lbs of Trolli sour gummy worms!
--Your Question of the Week: "How far can you go in a dating relationship without going against the Catholic Faith?"
You are in my prayers!
The Village News
Recap: Service Day
Thank you to those who came out this past Saturday to help collect the donations for the Pregnancy Help Center! Last month, a number of Villagers and Volunteers flyered 400+ homes, requesting donations that would be picked up this past Saturday, 11/14. We raised awareness for the Pregnancy Help Center, and were able to collect nearly 5 boxes worth of supplies! Thank you, Villagers, for being Christ’s hands and feet in the world.
This Thursday, 6:30-8:30pm: Saint Elizabeth of Hungary @ Dead Theologians Society
Saint Elizabeth was born a real Princess, and lived a life of piety and sacrifice- an awesome Catholic Disney film! Through the Saints of yesterday, the Dead Theologians Society, or DTS, inspires the youth of today to become the saints of tomorrow! Come on out and join us this Thursday.
-6:30pm: social time in the Parish Offices
-7-8pm: gather in the Church choir loft for prayer (the Elizabeth St door is always open)
-8-8:30pm: return to Parish Offices for hot cocoa & snacks
This Sunday's Village, 11/22: Peer Counseling Workshops
Most teens experiencing a crisis are more likely to go to a friend their own age for support, than an adult. Are you ready to be the Good Samaritan to a friend struggling with alcohol abuse, drug use, or self-harm? Have you struggled with any of these yourself? You are not alone! Join us this Sunday for an introduction to these tough topics from a Catholic perspective, and some tips to help you support a friend in the midst of some pretty nasty stuff.
Fall Retreat 12/11-12/13: Overview & Early Bird Deadline
Retreats are the high point of all youth ministry activity! Retreats are unique opportunities to take friendships to the next level through explosive games, incredible speakers, small group sharing opportunities, and copious amounts of food. Village Retreatants escape from the hectic schedule of everyday life to be welcomed into the rich prayer life of the Church with Morning Prayer and Night Prayer, in addition to Holy Mass. Together we will encounter Jesus in the Sacrament of Reconciliation and be blessed by God’s Real Presence in Eucharistic Adoration. Register by Wednesday, December 2nd and you will be automatically entered into our early bird prize giveaway, nearly 5 pounds of Trolli Sour Gummy Worms!
Your Question of the Week: "How far can you go in a dating relationship without going against the Catholic faith?"
Okay, first of all- there are Four Domains of Dating Relationships.
1. Spiritual: Pray together, Go to mass together, Talk about your prayer life together
2. Intellectual: Watch the news together, Read a book together! Talk!
3. Emotional: “Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.” (Galatians 6:2) “Keep fervent in your love for one another, because love covers a multitude of sins.” (1 Peter 4:8) Use all five Love Languages: Quality Time, Acts of Service, Verbal Affirmation, Gifts, Physical Affirmation
4. Physical: Commit yourself to living chastely! The great gift of sex is stripped of all meaning when it is given without life commitment of marriage
Okay, so within that framework, let’s talk about what physical affection means. Physical manifestations of affection are meant to be outward signs of inward realities. What are you expressing to your significant other through your affections? When our physical actions are an end in themselves, we are not treating the other as a person created for his or her own sake, but as a means to our own selfish physical satisfaction. Are we kissing the other person for our own physical gratification, or are we speaking to them of their goodness, and our affection for them? We are called to love the other person for their own sake- not to use them.
Sometimes we can give away too much of ourselves without realizing what it means. Sexual love represents the deepest intimacy you can have with another person! As Catholics, we are called to safeguard Chastity and the sanctity of marriage by avoiding all physical activities designed to sexually arouse the other person.
My last preface to the physical boundaries I’m going to give is this: We need to change our perspective from how much can I get away with, to how can I honor God and my future spouse with this dating relationship?
Here are some dating boundaries that have been passed on to me that I believe to be helpful in safeguarding against sin. First: avoid premarital sex, it is a mortal sin. Avoid passionate kissing. Always stay above the waist (oral sex is a mortal sin). Always keep all of your clothes on. Lying down together is a bad idea, it can lead to badness. Talk openly about the boundaries you find helpful- consider always keeping the door open, or only hanging out exclusively when someone else is nearby.
Again, let your physical actions be a reflection of your affection for the other, but keep the physical aspect of your relationship balanced with other domains. Know that in Christ there is always forgiveness, and there can always be a new beginning, a fresh start. If you fall, make sure you get to Confession to repent and receive Jesus’ forgiveness and mercy!
11 November 2009
Village News: Jason Evert!
Dear Villagers,
Thanks to everyone who came out to Village last Sunday! The girls had an *epic* marshmallow fight, and I hear that the guys built something out of duct tape and boxes that made it to the ceiling before being totally demolished. In addition we had some great dialogue about the "ideal man" and "ideal woman" put forward by the media. It was awesome comparing those false ideals with the ideal presented in the Scriptures by the lives of Jesus and Mary.
I've got some incredible news for you! This Sunday, the St Thomas Respect Life Committee is bringing in renown speaker Jason Evert to address Villagers, Grown-Up Soda teens, and teens from across the diocese. Jason and his wife Crystalina are known for handling sticky issues such as chastity, dating, Theology of the Body, and the struggle for purity- with wit and charm! Check them out online at www.chastity.com! Instead of our regular meeting this week, join hundreds of teens from our area as we gather to hear Jason Evert in the School Gym. Come early, as parking will be scarce! If possible, please bring the suggested $10 donation. Villagers, we're meeting in the Parish Hall for pizza at 6:30pm, and listening to Jason from 7pm to 8pm!
---Join us this Thursday for the Dead Theologians Society, meditating on the life of St Padre Pio...
---Join us this Saturday from 9am-1pm for our last Service Day of the semester!
---Your Question of the Week: "What is the Paraclete?"
The Village News
This Thursday, 6:30-8:30pm: Saint Padre Pio @ The Dead Theologians Society
This week our dead theologian is Padre Pio! He passed away just 40 years ago, a holy man in our own times. Through the Saints of yesterday, the Dead Theologians Society, or DTS, inspires the youth of today to become the saints of tomorrow! Come on out and join us this Thursday.
--6:30pm: social time in the Parish Offices
--7-8pm: gather in the Church choir loft for prayer (the Elizabeth St door is always open)
--8-8:30pm: return to Parish Offices for hot cocoa & snacks
This Saturday, 9am-1pm: Service Day
Last month 10 Villagers dropped fliers at over 300 homes, asking them to participate in our Collection Drive this Saturday, 11/14! At our Service Day Saturday (11/14, from 9-1pm!) we’ll celebrate morning Mass with the Parish, invite God’s blessing on our service with a prayer, collect donations for the Pregnancy Help Center, drop them at the Pregnancy Help Center, and have a short time for debriefing back at St Thomas over a pizza lunch.
Sunday 11/15, 6:30-8:30pm: Jason Evert, in place of Regular Village Meeting
Nationally renowned Catholic Speaker Jason Evert is coming to speak here at St Thomas, sponsored by the Respect Life Committee! Hundreds of teens are coming from across the Diocese of Lansing to hear him speak on Chastity, Dating, and Theology of the Body. Meet us in the Parish Hall for pizza at 6:30pm, and listen to Jason from 7pm to 8pm! Come early, parking will be scarce! If possible, please bring the suggested $10 donation.
Fall Retreat 12/11-12/13
Last year’s Fall Retreat was a blast! Brendan won 5lbs of Fun Dip, we had go-cart races, Eucharistic Adoration, the Sacrament of Reconciliation, and Father Selvam celebrated Holy Mass for us on Sunday morning…Stay tuned for more on this year’s Fall Retreat!
Your Question of the Week: "What is the Paraclete?"
Translated, Paraclete means Comforter, Advocate, Intercessor, Teacher, Helper. ‘Paraclete’ is another word for the Holy Spirit that is used in John’s Gospel. According to St. John the mission of the Paraclete is to remain with the disciples after Jesus has withdrawn His visible presence from them; to inwardly reveal to them the teaching externally given by Christ and thus to be a witness to the doctrine and work of the Saviour.
At our Baptism, Catholics receive a share of the Holy Spirit, and when we receive the Sacrament of Confirmation, we receive the fullness of the Holy Spirit! We receive the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit- wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, piety, fear of the Lord, knowledge.
The Holy Spirit is a Person really distinct as such from the Father and the Son; He is God and consubstantial with the Father and the Son. When we close our monthly Village Adoration, we pray the Divine Praises together. Let’s close with the line on the Holy Spirit: “Blessed be the Holy Spirit, the Paraclete!”
Thanks to everyone who came out to Village last Sunday! The girls had an *epic* marshmallow fight, and I hear that the guys built something out of duct tape and boxes that made it to the ceiling before being totally demolished. In addition we had some great dialogue about the "ideal man" and "ideal woman" put forward by the media. It was awesome comparing those false ideals with the ideal presented in the Scriptures by the lives of Jesus and Mary.
I've got some incredible news for you! This Sunday, the St Thomas Respect Life Committee is bringing in renown speaker Jason Evert to address Villagers, Grown-Up Soda teens, and teens from across the diocese. Jason and his wife Crystalina are known for handling sticky issues such as chastity, dating, Theology of the Body, and the struggle for purity- with wit and charm! Check them out online at www.chastity.com! Instead of our regular meeting this week, join hundreds of teens from our area as we gather to hear Jason Evert in the School Gym. Come early, as parking will be scarce! If possible, please bring the suggested $10 donation. Villagers, we're meeting in the Parish Hall for pizza at 6:30pm, and listening to Jason from 7pm to 8pm!
---Join us this Thursday for the Dead Theologians Society, meditating on the life of St Padre Pio...
---Join us this Saturday from 9am-1pm for our last Service Day of the semester!
---Your Question of the Week: "What is the Paraclete?"
The Village News
This Thursday, 6:30-8:30pm: Saint Padre Pio @ The Dead Theologians Society
This week our dead theologian is Padre Pio! He passed away just 40 years ago, a holy man in our own times. Through the Saints of yesterday, the Dead Theologians Society, or DTS, inspires the youth of today to become the saints of tomorrow! Come on out and join us this Thursday.
--6:30pm: social time in the Parish Offices
--7-8pm: gather in the Church choir loft for prayer (the Elizabeth St door is always open)
--8-8:30pm: return to Parish Offices for hot cocoa & snacks
This Saturday, 9am-1pm: Service Day
Last month 10 Villagers dropped fliers at over 300 homes, asking them to participate in our Collection Drive this Saturday, 11/14! At our Service Day Saturday (11/14, from 9-1pm!) we’ll celebrate morning Mass with the Parish, invite God’s blessing on our service with a prayer, collect donations for the Pregnancy Help Center, drop them at the Pregnancy Help Center, and have a short time for debriefing back at St Thomas over a pizza lunch.
Sunday 11/15, 6:30-8:30pm: Jason Evert, in place of Regular Village Meeting
Nationally renowned Catholic Speaker Jason Evert is coming to speak here at St Thomas, sponsored by the Respect Life Committee! Hundreds of teens are coming from across the Diocese of Lansing to hear him speak on Chastity, Dating, and Theology of the Body. Meet us in the Parish Hall for pizza at 6:30pm, and listen to Jason from 7pm to 8pm! Come early, parking will be scarce! If possible, please bring the suggested $10 donation.
Fall Retreat 12/11-12/13
Last year’s Fall Retreat was a blast! Brendan won 5lbs of Fun Dip, we had go-cart races, Eucharistic Adoration, the Sacrament of Reconciliation, and Father Selvam celebrated Holy Mass for us on Sunday morning…Stay tuned for more on this year’s Fall Retreat!
Your Question of the Week: "What is the Paraclete?"
Translated, Paraclete means Comforter, Advocate, Intercessor, Teacher, Helper. ‘Paraclete’ is another word for the Holy Spirit that is used in John’s Gospel. According to St. John the mission of the Paraclete is to remain with the disciples after Jesus has withdrawn His visible presence from them; to inwardly reveal to them the teaching externally given by Christ and thus to be a witness to the doctrine and work of the Saviour.
At our Baptism, Catholics receive a share of the Holy Spirit, and when we receive the Sacrament of Confirmation, we receive the fullness of the Holy Spirit! We receive the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit- wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, piety, fear of the Lord, knowledge.
The Holy Spirit is a Person really distinct as such from the Father and the Son; He is God and consubstantial with the Father and the Son. When we close our monthly Village Adoration, we pray the Divine Praises together. Let’s close with the line on the Holy Spirit: “Blessed be the Holy Spirit, the Paraclete!”
02 November 2009
Lies in the Media!
Dear Villagers,
Last night we got into Catholic Philosophy in some very practical ways! First we all competed in The Amazing Race which went all through the parish offices and school, and included some unethical ways to get ahead. Next, drawing from St Thomas Aquinas, the Catechism of the Catholic Church, and Veritatis Splendor, we studied a number of basic principles that can be used to determine the morality of various actions in everyday life.
Here are 6 principles for moral decision making:
---Principle 1: Good is to be done, evil is to be avoided.
---Principle 2: Some acts are objectively wrong all of the time.
---Principle 3: It is not acceptable to do evil in order to achieve some good end. (The ends don’t justify the means.)
---Principle 4: Avoid acts which are permissible for you but may cause scandal to others.
---Principle 5: The object, motive and circumstances must all be good for an act to be good.
---Principle 6: In certain cases, it is permissible to do a good action that causes a negative side effect. (Double Effect)
This Sunday, we're focusing on Lies in the Media. Those in marketing find your weaknesses, your insecurities, and exploit them to their advantage– to sell magazines, makeup, clothes, anything! This Sunday we’re having some quality men’s and women’s time to deconstruct some of the lies put forward by today’s media about who we are called to be as men and women!
----Join us Thursday from 7-8pm for the Dead Theologians Society, meditating on the life of St Therese of the Little Flower!
----Your Questions of the Week are: "Why did God make the Trinity?" and "What is a Novena and Where can I find one?"
You are in my prayers!
The Village News
This Thursday: Dead Theologians Society
This week our dead theologian is Saint Therese of Lisieux! She is one of the most beloved Saints of all time. Through the Saints of yesterday, the Dead Theologians Society, or DTS, inspires the youth of today to become the saints of tomorrow! Come on out and join us this Thursday!
--At 6:30pm we have social time in the Parish Offices
--From 7-8pm we gather in the Church choir loft for prayer with the Saints! (the Elizabeth St door is always open)
--Stay as late as 8:30pm enjoying hot cocoa, a yummy baked good and more snacks!
Next Sunday: Lies in the Media- Men’s and Women’s Time
Those in marketing find your weaknesses, your insecurities, and exploit them to their advantage– to sell magazines, makeup, clothes, anything! This Sunday we’re having for some quality men’s and women’s time to deconstruct some of the lies put forward by today’s media about who we are called to be as men and women! Inspired by a speaker at the Franciscan University of Steubenville Youth Conference, we’re going to strip away the myths we’ve been fed about what we should strive to be like– replacing the untruths with the truth found in our identity as men and women of God!
Upcoming Events
-----Service Day, Saturday 11/14, 9am-1pm:Last month 10 Villagers dropped fliers at over 300 homes, asking them to participate in our Collection Drive this Saturday, 11/14! At our Service Day Saturday (11/14, from 9-1pm!) we’ll celebrate morning Mass with the Parish, invite God’s blessing on our service with a prayer, collect donations for the Pregnancy Help Center, drop them at the Pregnancy Help Center, and have a short time for debriefing back at St Thomas over a pizza lunch.
-----Jason Evert, Sunday 11/15 in place of Regular Village Meeting: Nationally renowned Catholic Speaker Jason Evert is coming to speak here at St Thomas, sponsored by the Respect Life Committee! Teens will be coming here from across the Diocese of Lansing to hear him speak on Chastity, Dating, and Theology of the Body. Meet us in the Parish Hall for pizza at 6:30pm, and listen to Jason from 7pm to 8pm! Come early, parking will be scarce! Volunteers are needed to help setup for this event, serve food, direct visitors, and provide general hospitality- contact Barbara Grant-Yopko at bgyopko@att.net.
-----The Village Fall Retreat, December 11-13th:Did you know that there is a big ridiculous give-away for those who attend Fall Retreat? In ’06 we gave away 70 pounds of Tootsie Rolls, and in ’07 it was 20lbs of Big League Chew!! Last year we gave away 5 pounds of Fun Dip and 8 pounds of Bugle Chips!
Your Questions of the Week: Why did God make the Trinity?
God did not make the Trinity. God simply is three distinct persons in one essence. God the Father was not created- He existed from eternity. Similarly, the Son was not created- He was eternally begotten from the Father. Finally, the Holy Spirit was not created- He eternally proceeds from the Son and the Father.
Now if your question was why is God triune? We simply cannot know why God is triune, any more than we can know why God decided on a blue sky instead of a yellow one. The Holy Trinity is a deep mystery- what we do know we must hold fast, lest we stumble into untruth! We know that: God is One, God is three persons in one essence. We know that God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit are co-equal, and we know that The Trinity is a mystery that cannot be grasped by reason alone.
Your Questions of the Week: What is a Novena, and Where Can I find one?
A novena is a prayer/devotion that is repeated for nine days to obtain special graces. Novena’s are encouraged by the Catholic Church, and are a beautiful form of prayer. The goal of going through a novena is to ask for grace, and to deepen one's spiritual connection with God. Novenas are especially useful when one has a specific prayer request or needs help discerning a life decision.
Typically, people pray to specific saints when they make a novena. Someone who has lost something might pray to Saint Anthony, for example, asking for assistance with finding the item again. People can also pray to the Virgin Mary or to God. There are hundreds of novenas published in various collections of Catholic prayers and meditations, and people can also make up their own prayers. The prayer may be said at home or in Church, and some people meditate on the rosary as they say their novenas.
One of the most popular novenas is the Novena to the Little Flower- to Saint Therese of Lisieux. (She is our Dead Theologian this Thursday from 7-8pm in the Church choir loft!) It is a beautiful prayer of joining in the total surrender of Saint Therese, and asking God for spiritual purification and an answer to a specific question. Many who have prayed the Novena to Saint Therese have their prayer answered in the affirmative on the 9th day by receiving roses!
Here is the opening prayer to the Novena to Saint Therese: St. Thérèse, privileged Little Flower of Jesus and Mary, I approach you with childlike confidence and deep humility. I lay before you my desires, and beg that through your intercession they may be realized. Did you not promise to spend your heaven doing good upon earth? Grant me according to this promise the favors I am asking from you. Intercede for us all the days of our life, but especially during this Novena and obtain for us from God the graces and favors we ask through your intercession. Amen.
Great places to find a Novena- www.ewtn.com www.fisheaters.com
Last night we got into Catholic Philosophy in some very practical ways! First we all competed in The Amazing Race which went all through the parish offices and school, and included some unethical ways to get ahead. Next, drawing from St Thomas Aquinas, the Catechism of the Catholic Church, and Veritatis Splendor, we studied a number of basic principles that can be used to determine the morality of various actions in everyday life.
Here are 6 principles for moral decision making:
---Principle 1: Good is to be done, evil is to be avoided.
---Principle 2: Some acts are objectively wrong all of the time.
---Principle 3: It is not acceptable to do evil in order to achieve some good end. (The ends don’t justify the means.)
---Principle 4: Avoid acts which are permissible for you but may cause scandal to others.
---Principle 5: The object, motive and circumstances must all be good for an act to be good.
---Principle 6: In certain cases, it is permissible to do a good action that causes a negative side effect. (Double Effect)
This Sunday, we're focusing on Lies in the Media. Those in marketing find your weaknesses, your insecurities, and exploit them to their advantage– to sell magazines, makeup, clothes, anything! This Sunday we’re having some quality men’s and women’s time to deconstruct some of the lies put forward by today’s media about who we are called to be as men and women!
----Join us Thursday from 7-8pm for the Dead Theologians Society, meditating on the life of St Therese of the Little Flower!
----Your Questions of the Week are: "Why did God make the Trinity?" and "What is a Novena and Where can I find one?"
You are in my prayers!
The Village News
This Thursday: Dead Theologians Society
This week our dead theologian is Saint Therese of Lisieux! She is one of the most beloved Saints of all time. Through the Saints of yesterday, the Dead Theologians Society, or DTS, inspires the youth of today to become the saints of tomorrow! Come on out and join us this Thursday!
--At 6:30pm we have social time in the Parish Offices
--From 7-8pm we gather in the Church choir loft for prayer with the Saints! (the Elizabeth St door is always open)
--Stay as late as 8:30pm enjoying hot cocoa, a yummy baked good and more snacks!
Next Sunday: Lies in the Media- Men’s and Women’s Time
Those in marketing find your weaknesses, your insecurities, and exploit them to their advantage– to sell magazines, makeup, clothes, anything! This Sunday we’re having for some quality men’s and women’s time to deconstruct some of the lies put forward by today’s media about who we are called to be as men and women! Inspired by a speaker at the Franciscan University of Steubenville Youth Conference, we’re going to strip away the myths we’ve been fed about what we should strive to be like– replacing the untruths with the truth found in our identity as men and women of God!
Upcoming Events
-----Service Day, Saturday 11/14, 9am-1pm:Last month 10 Villagers dropped fliers at over 300 homes, asking them to participate in our Collection Drive this Saturday, 11/14! At our Service Day Saturday (11/14, from 9-1pm!) we’ll celebrate morning Mass with the Parish, invite God’s blessing on our service with a prayer, collect donations for the Pregnancy Help Center, drop them at the Pregnancy Help Center, and have a short time for debriefing back at St Thomas over a pizza lunch.
-----Jason Evert, Sunday 11/15 in place of Regular Village Meeting: Nationally renowned Catholic Speaker Jason Evert is coming to speak here at St Thomas, sponsored by the Respect Life Committee! Teens will be coming here from across the Diocese of Lansing to hear him speak on Chastity, Dating, and Theology of the Body. Meet us in the Parish Hall for pizza at 6:30pm, and listen to Jason from 7pm to 8pm! Come early, parking will be scarce! Volunteers are needed to help setup for this event, serve food, direct visitors, and provide general hospitality- contact Barbara Grant-Yopko at bgyopko@att.net.
-----The Village Fall Retreat, December 11-13th:Did you know that there is a big ridiculous give-away for those who attend Fall Retreat? In ’06 we gave away 70 pounds of Tootsie Rolls, and in ’07 it was 20lbs of Big League Chew!! Last year we gave away 5 pounds of Fun Dip and 8 pounds of Bugle Chips!
Your Questions of the Week: Why did God make the Trinity?
God did not make the Trinity. God simply is three distinct persons in one essence. God the Father was not created- He existed from eternity. Similarly, the Son was not created- He was eternally begotten from the Father. Finally, the Holy Spirit was not created- He eternally proceeds from the Son and the Father.
Now if your question was why is God triune? We simply cannot know why God is triune, any more than we can know why God decided on a blue sky instead of a yellow one. The Holy Trinity is a deep mystery- what we do know we must hold fast, lest we stumble into untruth! We know that: God is One, God is three persons in one essence. We know that God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit are co-equal, and we know that The Trinity is a mystery that cannot be grasped by reason alone.
Your Questions of the Week: What is a Novena, and Where Can I find one?
A novena is a prayer/devotion that is repeated for nine days to obtain special graces. Novena’s are encouraged by the Catholic Church, and are a beautiful form of prayer. The goal of going through a novena is to ask for grace, and to deepen one's spiritual connection with God. Novenas are especially useful when one has a specific prayer request or needs help discerning a life decision.
Typically, people pray to specific saints when they make a novena. Someone who has lost something might pray to Saint Anthony, for example, asking for assistance with finding the item again. People can also pray to the Virgin Mary or to God. There are hundreds of novenas published in various collections of Catholic prayers and meditations, and people can also make up their own prayers. The prayer may be said at home or in Church, and some people meditate on the rosary as they say their novenas.
One of the most popular novenas is the Novena to the Little Flower- to Saint Therese of Lisieux. (She is our Dead Theologian this Thursday from 7-8pm in the Church choir loft!) It is a beautiful prayer of joining in the total surrender of Saint Therese, and asking God for spiritual purification and an answer to a specific question. Many who have prayed the Novena to Saint Therese have their prayer answered in the affirmative on the 9th day by receiving roses!
Here is the opening prayer to the Novena to Saint Therese: St. Thérèse, privileged Little Flower of Jesus and Mary, I approach you with childlike confidence and deep humility. I lay before you my desires, and beg that through your intercession they may be realized. Did you not promise to spend your heaven doing good upon earth? Grant me according to this promise the favors I am asking from you. Intercede for us all the days of our life, but especially during this Novena and obtain for us from God the graces and favors we ask through your intercession. Amen.
Great places to find a Novena- www.ewtn.com www.fisheaters.com
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