There will be no Village this Sunday 11/30- have a Happy Thanksgiving!
At our next Village we will be talking about Mother Mary- her role in the Church, and her role as our Mother. In gratitude to all of our Mothers, who listen to our silly stories- we will be having Show and Tell! Even pets are allowed if accompanied by an adult. Prizes will be given for: Most Surprising, Largest, Most Furry, and Most Ridiculous. Start planning now, friends!
Also- the Village is considering the idea of hosting a study hour Monday or Wednesday afternoon from 3-6pm here at the Church. It would be a time for Villagers and their friends to stop by, do some homework, watch some TV, listen to music, chat, and have a snack. Would you be interested? Would you come? Head to www.findthevillage.blogspot.com to vote. :)
The Village News
No Village This Sunday 11/30- Happy Thanksgiving!
Next Village 12/7 -Show and Tell
Sunday December 7th, we will be talking about Mother Mary! In gratitude to all of our Mothers, who listen to our silly stories- we will be having Show and Tell! You are allowed to bring anything except dead animals and items that are sexually explicit or related to drugs/alcohol. :) Pets are allowed if accompanied by an adult.
Your Vote Counts!
The Village is considering the idea of hosting a study hour Monday or Wednesday afternoon from 3-6pm here at the Church. It would be a time for Villagers and their friends to stop by, do some homework, watch some TV, listen to music, chat, and have a snack. Would you be interested? Would you come?
Check us out online at www.findthevillage.com!
Questions of the Week
-If everything depends on free will, what good does prayer do, especially on important things (like the Election)?
-Catholics are supposed to practice chastity, but do most people actually do that? What is the percent that do/don't, and why is it so important?
Catholics are supposed to practice chastity, but do most Catholics actually do that? What is the percent that do/do not? Why is it so important?
The Church teaches chastity because the marital embrace (sex) is so meaningful it goes to the core of the human person. When we have sex outside of marriage we sin against God and against our own bodies- which are designed for real love. Real love is total- it means giving yourself totally to another, not holding anything back. Real love is faithful. There is a saying, ‘he is no lover, who does not love forever’- when you give yourself to another in sex you are saying ‘I will love you forever.’ Real love is fruitful- sexual love mirrors the love of God. God’s love is so incredible that it was life-giving, and created all of us. In that same way, sex is designed to be life-giving!
When sex occurs without being total, faithful, fruitful- it is not a giving love to another, but using another for our own selfish pleasure. There is another saying, ‘Men use love to get sex, and women use sex to get love.’ Women, save yourselves for your future husbands, and you will discover the gift of being truly loved! If the man you are with really loves you, he will wait for you. Men, save yourselves for your future wives! Sexuality is designed to take us outside of ourselves in love for another. Sex outside of marriage robs you of the gift of your sexuality, because it turns women into objects for your enjoyment, it makes you a user and not a lover.
The National Study on Youth and Religion found that of all Catholic youth ages thirteen to seventeen; fifty-seven percent have had sex outside of marriage. Of all Catholic youth ages thirteen to seventeen who participate in youth group, thirty-seven percent have had sex outside of marriage.
I will come to the study group!
Have a grrrreat Thanksgiving, ya'll!
I would come if I could! It's a great idea!
i'd come to the study group....it'd be so much fun! and a chance to be able to chill with my friends, do homework (maybe) and just relax after a stressful day of school
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