14 October 2008

Familial Unity

***Early Bird Registration Deadline for Spring Retreat***
Wednesday, October 15th

Dear Villagers,

This past weekend I headed out to New York for a family wedding! The wedding was complete with all of the traditions, white dress, beautiful vows of faithfulness, and lots of dancing. :)

So many times throughout the weekend I came back to the idea of unity. Families are the very structure of society, or as Pope John Paul II puts it, the smallest cell of the human family. It is in our family that we first experience unity- living together, depending upon one another and often sharing rooms! Each family is built on love, sacrifice, and the wedding promises of total, faithful, fruitful, and free love!

Throughout our rich Catholic history, God has compared His love for His people as the love of a Bridegroom for his Bride. When Jesus established the Church we came to see Him as the Bridegroom of His Church, the Bride. In the priesthood, we see men answering God's call to stand in His place as the Bridegroom caring for His Church the Bride.

Jesus prayed that His followers would remain in that familial unity throughout the history of the world. Just before he was handed over to suffer and die, he said, "I pray not only for these but also for those who through their teaching will come to believe in me. May they all be one, just as, Father, you are in me and I am in you, so that they also may be in us, so that the world may believe it was you who sent me." John 17:20-21

Join us this Sunday as Tim Carpenter leads us in a discussion of division through the history of the Church, along with Christ's own teachings on unity in our Christian family.


Village News

The Village Fall Retreat, "Come and See" October 24-26, 2008, Cost $60
Register by Wed Oct 15th for early bird drawings, like Taco Bell Gift Cards, 5 lbs of Fun Dip, and more! Registrations postmarked October 15th will also be accepted. Registration deadline is Monday, October 20th.

The goal of this retreat is to discover the person of Jesus and allow our lives to be transformed by our encounter with Him. The Village Fall Retreat is a great opportunity to grow in your faith, worship God, and have tons of fun! This retreat will include Mass,Reconciliation, solid talks, small groups, Eucharistic Adoration, free time, games, go cart racing, and of course- our Late Night Taco Bell run!

Next Week @ Village- The Divided Christian Church

Grown Up Soda
Our next GUS meeting is this Friday October 17th from 6:30-8pm at St Thomas. This month's theme is Friendship in Chaos. When you volunteer with GUS you become a Christian Role Model to young Catholics. GUS is a very important ministry!

The Youth Minister Beth Montgomery can be reached at St Thomas at (734) 761-8606. For emergencies or other things of an immediate nature you can reach me on my cell. If I miss it, leave a message- I check them regularly!! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So true Beth.. It's up to us to stand up and do our part that marriage and family may never be compromised in their dignity or fundamentals.