Most of my favorite memories of summertime involve lemonade. My best friend Catherine and I would sit for hours by the side of the road praying that people would stop at our lemonade stand. The $2 profit would keep our spirits up for days!
My mother would pour lemonade into paper dixie cups and freeze them. We would eat them by peeling away the paper cup as we ran around the neighborhood causing trouble. Every once in awhile, our excitement would result in a sticky lemonade spill in the freezer...
Lemonade *is* summer to me. Think of all your summer memories, kiddie pools, sidewalk chalk, building forts, blowing bubbles... and get excited for this Sunday's Village Street Carnival!
This Sunday at Village we will be having a social time outside for sidewalk chalk, jump roping, blowing bubbles, frisbee, lemonade, and watching the Condiment Fight Club!
The Condiment Fight Club is a gladiator style tournament, where 2 players battle each other with condiments. The first to slash the opposing player with mayo on the front and the back is the winner, and moves on to the next round. If you want to play, be sure to bring a condiment and wear grubby clothes.
Feel free to bring your pogo stick, hula hoop, or anything summer-y you can think of, and we'll blow off some of the restlessness of spring!
Village News
Village Street Carnival!!
Join us next Sunday from 5-6:30 for Social Night at the Village! We’ll be playing with sidewalk chalk, frisbee, jump rope, and watching the Condiment Fight Club! If you’re going to participate in the Condiment Fight Club, BYOC- Bring Your Own Condiment, no mustard allowed. Wear grubby clothes!!
Friday’s Village Social Canceled
Eerp. Due to a scheduling conflict, Friday night’s Social has been canceled. Some of us might go see Prince Caspian this Friday instead, RSVP to Betho if you’re interested!
Responding to Grace Decisions Made for Spring-Summer
Village Setup Team: James*, Tom, Chuck
Village Greeting Team: Melissa*, Bernard
Village Hospitality Team: Jacob*, Dominica
Village Community Team: Dominica*, Tom
Village Youth Council: Tony, Doug, Laura, Ellen, Maria, Nealia, Peter, Robert, Mike, Tom, Karen, Melissa, Dominica.
Join us next Sunday from 5-6:30 for Social Night at the Village! We’ll be playing with sidewalk chalk, frisbee, jump rope, and watching the Condiment Fight Club! If you’re going to participate in the Condiment Fight Club, BYOC- Bring Your Own Condiment, no mustard allowed. Wear grubby clothes!!
Friday’s Village Social Canceled
Eerp. Due to a scheduling conflict, Friday night’s Social has been canceled. Some of us might go see Prince Caspian this Friday instead, RSVP to Betho if you’re interested!
Responding to Grace Decisions Made for Spring-Summer
Village Setup Team: James*, Tom, Chuck
Village Greeting Team: Melissa*, Bernard
Village Hospitality Team: Jacob*, Dominica
Village Community Team: Dominica*, Tom
Village Youth Council: Tony, Doug, Laura, Ellen, Maria, Nealia, Peter, Robert, Mike, Tom, Karen, Melissa, Dominica.
*=Team Leader
Grown Up Soda
Grown Up Soda
-Our last GUS meeting is 5/23, a grand scavenger hunt through downtown.. GUS Volunteers need a permission slip, too. Be sure to bring one with you if you're going to help out!
Ahhh, the good old days of lemonade sales... (My main memory connected with that would be losing my two front teeth :)
Great Village on Sunday!
Thx to all you who volunteered as teen-leaders! Good luck in your new duties!
p.s. What time showing would we be going to see Prince Caspian?
6:35 @ Quality 16! :)
Thx! and the cost is $9, right?
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