This past friday there were nearly 30 of us out at Buhr Park for some crazy Ice Skating! Here are a few of the highlights...
-Karen wore the kiddie helmet for extra protection!
-A game of keepaway resulted in a few dangerous falls (Ahem...Robert...)
-Peter ran into the wall and fell down...(that *may* have been a little bit my fault...but who could say?)
-Bridget + Rachel started a few snowball fights with all the snow on the ice!
-After several tries, Tom discovered his true size in an Ice Hockey Skate to be a 12! :)
Do I hear sounds of Villagers going ice skating again someday?? Thanks to everyone who came out, and especially to the Volunteers for making sure none of us died. Thanks! :)
Next Sunday
Join us next Sunday March 16th from 5-6:30 for games and a discussion of Sharing the Love through Service Evangelism.
Spring Retreat
Register by *next* Sunday, March 16th and you will be entered into our drawing to win A Year's Supply of Big League Chew! Don't miss the commercial- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0GyEkvqtHPs. Registration is limited to the first 35 who sign up; newly confirmed 8th graders are welcome.
The Passion this Saturday 3/15, 7-9:30
A group of us have decided to watch Mel Gibson's the Passion in preparation for Holy Week! We're going to have pizza at 7, and then settle into the film. Everyone is welcome! Bring a pillow/blanket for comfort. Please be aware of the graphic nature of this film.
Dinner and Some Bible: Every Thursday 7-8:30
Stop on by St Thomas this week for Dinner and Some Bible. We'll be eating some great food, and then reading some of the book of 1 Peter. It's going to be swell0- come hungry!
Other News:
-----GUS IS THIS FRIDAY! GUS Volunteers, please come 6-9:15pm.
-----Eight spaces still remain for the Steubenville Youth Conference June 13-15…
Join us next Sunday March 16th from 5-6:30 for games and a discussion of Sharing the Love through Service Evangelism.
Spring Retreat
Register by *next* Sunday, March 16th and you will be entered into our drawing to win A Year's Supply of Big League Chew! Don't miss the commercial- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0GyEkvqtHPs. Registration is limited to the first 35 who sign up; newly confirmed 8th graders are welcome.
The Passion this Saturday 3/15, 7-9:30
A group of us have decided to watch Mel Gibson's the Passion in preparation for Holy Week! We're going to have pizza at 7, and then settle into the film. Everyone is welcome! Bring a pillow/blanket for comfort. Please be aware of the graphic nature of this film.
Dinner and Some Bible: Every Thursday 7-8:30
Stop on by St Thomas this week for Dinner and Some Bible. We'll be eating some great food, and then reading some of the book of 1 Peter. It's going to be swell0- come hungry!
Other News:
-----GUS IS THIS FRIDAY! GUS Volunteers, please come 6-9:15pm.
-----Eight spaces still remain for the Steubenville Youth Conference June 13-15…
That was so fun Beth!
Thanks all who came and made it great!
(the keep-away game was the best part :-)
If the Village ever wonders about going ice-skating again, I'd be completely for it!
is there possibly a way to get a hold of the rest of the pictures from ice skating?
niiiiiiiice village! Have a GREAT Holy Week everyone!!!
p.s. Do we just call you, Beth, if we want to volunteer to help at Stations of the Cross on Friday?
Minni, I only took two- here's a link to the other one! :)
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