"Look over the nations and see, and be utterly amazed! For I am doing a work in your days that you would not believe, even if you were told." Habbakuk 1:5
God accomplishes the impossible everyday!! As we begin the Holy season of Lent this week, let us not imagine that our Lenten Resolutions are dependant on our own strength lest we fail. As we prayerfully consider the ways in which we can renew our focus on prayer, almsgiving, and fasting-- let us remember that it is God who is at work in us. He is the one who gives us strength.
God can do incredible things through us, things we once thought impossible. Trust Him, trust that He will give you the strength to make sacrifices for Him this Lenten Season. He will give you the commitment to make that daily prayer time- the courage to make sacrifices with your time- the strength to let go of worldly attachments.
Take some time to decide what your Lenten commitments will be- and if you're up to it, post them anonymously on our blog. As you read the commitments of your brothers and sisters, remember to pray for them throughout Lent. :)
Sunday's Village: Saved By The What?
Join us this Sunday from 5-6:30 for a redo of the old time classic, Saved by the Bell. Get the theme song stuck in your head at http://youtube.com/watch?v=2K4iTh1TL9g. We’ll be talking about Salvation, Lent, and doing a whole lot of very fun very stupid things.
Bible Study this Thursday, 7-8:30pm
Please RSVP if you will be joining us for Bible Study this week, so we can make sure we have enough food! Join Beth Montgomery and Volunteer Rachel Dudek in studying the book of 1 Peter this semester, on Thursday nights from 7-8:30pm here at St Thomas.
I was at the CTK party and it rocked!
Go Giants!
On another note, just wanted to encourage you all in this upcoming
Ash Wednesday. Remember, since this is one of the few occasions of the year when Catholics really stand out (Come on, who doesn't notice these black smudges on our heads).
Take advantage of this and let this be a chance for you to really stand out in this world as a Catholic.
If people ask you about the ashes,
don't be shy. Go ahead and explain the ashes and their importance.
Let this be a time for you to stand out in your Faith!
You all have a terrific Lent!
God bless!
reading a chapter of scripture everyday
im giving up eating popcorn
How about giving up your favorite pop drink?
reading the imitation of Christ every night and going to confession on a regular basis.
Giving up eating and drinking anything but water in-between meals
Saying a daily rosary.
or, dividing a rosary into 7 parts: the opening prayers, the 5 decades, the concluding prayers.
Then saying one part each day of the week.
Complaining about a difficult person in my life, and listening to music in the car.
I mean drinking nothing but water in-between meals.
Hey Beth, Sweet Village tonight!
It was some pretty gruesome things you put us thru but we forgive you!
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