10 August 2007

No Good in Goodbye

From our own Melissa...

There are times in our lives when we have to say goodbye. In the Village's case it was to our beloved Britt Megargle, Teresa Monticello, and Nate Haverland. These three amazing people have all gone their separate ways in order to fulfill the call of God. While all three of them will be missed terribly, we all know that they will always be with us in our hearts and prayers.

I'm sure we all have many many stories of different ways that these three people have touched our hearts and lives. Heck – I could go on for pages about tons of stories about them – but I won't. We don't have to. We all know that these three people shine so brightly with the light of Christ, and that's enough.

So, in the short – keep in your heart. They are really amazing people, and I know they don't want to be forgotten. Keep them in your prayers!!

And with that, I'm done!!!

Luv ya's

~Mel (and Nemo)


Anonymous said...

Really great post. It was such a wonderful gift to have known these people and now we can all benefit
from their example of obedience
and love.
God bless us all,
especially these our friends.

Anonymous said...

write to me!!!!!!!!!!!
I love you all

Quiet Voice said...
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Quiet Voice said...

Ditto Melissa & Robert! Funny thing about the word "goodbye", it's actually a contraction of the old English phrase for "God be with you"!

Also, thought I'd share with you a favorite quote, from St. Elizabeth Ann Seton:

"The accidents of life separate us from our dearest friends, but let us not despair. God is like a looking glass in which souls see each other. The more we are united to Him by love, the nearer we are to those who belong to Him."

When you're connected in the Spirit, you'll never truly be separated.

Mountain Climber said...

I will be praying for all of you! And I will miss you TONS!!!!!!! Lots of love.