02 March 2007

Friday 3/2 [1 Corinthians 10]

v 12+13 "So if you think you are standing firm, be careful that you don't fall! No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it."

Do not be afraid! No temptation can be too great for us- and Satan has no new material. God always provides us with a way out.

v31 "So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all fo rthe glory of God."


Anonymous said...

"With God ALL things are possible" that's a quote i learned while watching Veggie Tales. and it's true, with God we can accomplish anything we want to do. no temptation is too great for us - well, not us and God together. He's always there to lend a hand whenever we need it, but we need to be humble and ask for it (that's the hard part) and if we do ask God, he will personally shower us with the graces necessary to accomplish what ever task/temptation/thing we have. He's always there for us, our Best Friend ever!!!

Anonymous said...

I have a question that is unrelated. Someone asked me 'How does it feel to go through life knowing your friends will go to hell?' I was surprised because I don't usually think that way and I didn't have an answer. Any ideas?

Mountain Climber said...

First I think it is important to stress that we do not know whether are friends are going to hell. We hope and trust in the mercy of God, and pray that they will have an open and humble heart to receive God's love, mercy and forgiveness. We cannot know in the moment of death whether or not they chose God or not.
I think the person who asked you this question might want to know "how does it feel knowing your friends are living a life contrary to God and his love?" To this question I would respond by saying something like:
First we can never know the state of a soul completely only God knows. However, when a friend choses something that is contrary to God, he or she is inflicting hurt upon themselves and Christ and Christ's mystical body. This is why sin does not just involve the sinner and God. That is why in Corth. 12:26 it says when one suffers all suffer. In addition, when we see a friend making choices that compromise their salvation, "my soul is sorrowful" as Jesus says during the Agony of the Garden. I think it is a huge mistake people make today in not thinking about hell or not even believing that it exists. It does and anyone who does not chose God, choses hell, an eternity of despair seperated from God and any hope, love, or joy. We should want no one to go to hell, thus if we truly love them we will do what we can to bring them to God, even if the only thing we can do is pray (which is powerful). However often God calls us to act. we have a responsibility to be Jesus' hands and feet on earth and help in his salvation of souls. Hope this helps!

Anonymous said...

hmmmm, that is a good question.
i'm sure my answer won't be near as good as mountainclimber's, but i'll try...
i'd probably answer it by saying "i don't know that my friends aren't going to hell. God loves them. and even if they aren't catholic, that doesn't automatically condemn them to hell. if they live their life as best they can, while, in a way, searching, (so to speak) for meaning to their live. like the greater depth or something like that, then who's to say they are going to hell?
a lot of people go to Heaven who aren't catholic. i'm sure of it. what about the aborted babies? they died without being baptized...does that mean they go to hell? no. God knows our deepest thoughts, and doesn't condemn us just because we aren't catholic. he loves us no matter what, so we can't say that we know for a fact that they are going to hell. we can pray that they don't, and try to lead them down "the path to richnesses" so to speak
so ya, here is my comment. i hope it helps you