Dear Villagers,
Great having so many of us together last night for some epic debating, and building towers with just newspaper and tape! Who knew earning Klondike bars could be so much fun?! Don't miss the pic of one of our winning teams...We did a few skits too, to show what *not* to do when having interfaith dialogues with your friends- because failure is a *great* teacher.
This coming Sunday is our monthly night of Eucharistic Adoration! Instead of our usual time and format, Father Bill has invited us to join the entire parish for a time of Eucharistic Adoration in the Church starting at 7pm. Coming to lead us in worship is Jim Cowan, a nationally known singer and songwriter. He's written so many of the songs we sing at Village (This is Jesus, for one!).
And now, a few FAQ's About Spring Retreat, 3/19-3/21:
--I have too much homework, how could I possibly go?
Our Spring Retreat begins Friday March 19th at 6:45pm, and ends Sunday March 21st at 12noon. Even if you've got loads of homework, you will have all day on Sunday to get it done! Besides, we'll have a couple hours of free time on Saturday. Bring some busy work along with you and you can get it done then.
--I don't know if we can afford it- are there scholarships?
Absolutely! The total cost is $60/person, but if you register today you pay just $50. Also, if your parents can help out over the weekend, you save more money! We can definitely do partial scholarships. No one will be turned away due to lack of money- we want you with us!
--I have something else going on that weekend, so I can't go, right?
Not necessarily! Our Spring Retreat is at St Thomas this year. We know that there are a few conflicts- a karate belt promotion, a water polo tournament, etc. If you want to come, email Beth Spizarny and we can chat to see if it can work! We're trying to get everyone in, no matter what their conflict. We're a family, and we want everyone to be there!
--Who else is going?
We often have teens come on Retreat who haven't ever come to any other Village stuff, so don't worry if you haven't been before. We're a super friendly group! If you're on Facebook, look for 'The Village @ St Thomas', we have a page, and an event for "Salt and Light, The Village Spring Retreat." You can see others who are coming! So far there's 13 people on board- from Richard, Huron, Skyline, and Pioneer.
--What is the point of a Retreat?
In a teen's own words, "This Village Retreat was a great way for me to return to God in the midst of a hectic world." It's all about reconnecting ourselves to Christ- really experiencing His love, and reconnecting ourselves to His Church. Our theme for this Retreat comes from Matthew chapter 5, when Jesus calls us to be the “salt of the earth...the light of the world!” Over the course of the weekend we'll experience real community like the early Church- we'll laugh together, pray together, share together, and run around playing ridiculous games. Together we will encounter Jesus in the Sacrament of Reconciliation and be blessed by God’s Real Presence in Eucharistic Adoration and the Holy Mass.
Bl. Pier Giorgio Frassati @ The Dead Theologians Society this Thursday
Come out this week to meet the mountain-climbing adventure-seeker from our own times who saw being Jesus’ disciple as the greatest adventure! At the Dead Theologians Society, we gather in the Church choir loft to listen to the life of a saint, and accept the challenge to be saints ourselves!
--6:30pm: Socializing in Parish Offices!
--7-8pm: Prayer in the Church choir loft
--8-8:30pm: Socializing & Snacks!
This Sunday 3/14: Eucharistic Adoration @ 7pm with Entire Parish!
This month we’re having our regular night of Eucharistic Adoration with the entire Saint Thomas Parish! The Village will be gathering in the Church at 7pm along with Generation Christ, and the entire Parish, for a powerful time of adoring Our Lord. Jim Cowan, a worship leader from Steubenville will be joining us for praise and worship!
Salt and Light ~ The Village Spring Retreat ~ March 19th-21st
Checkout registration forms at www.findthevillage.com for more info, or shoot me an email with any questions.
Your Question of the Week: Is there temptation in heaven? Why did the angels only get one chance?
The good news is, no! We will not have to endure temptation any longer when we are in heaven. Scripture tells us, “blessed is the man who perseveres in temptation, for when he has been proved he will receive the crown of life that he promised to those who love him.” (James 1:12) Scipture tells us that when depart from this world in a state of grace after enduring many temptations, we will be rewarded with God’s presence in heaven!
However, Satan was in heaven when he chose sin and was cast out to hell. Angels (like Satan) are very different from us. Angels are spiritual beings without bodies, who have a free will and an intellect that is far superior to ours. God created them in a state of holiness. He enabled them to make a free choice for or against him.
Angels exercise this free choice only once, because their intellect is so much higher than ours. As Jesus said, “those to whom much has been given, much will be expected.” (Luke 12:48) This is why they only get one choice! Those that made the choice for him were confirmed in their holiness. Those that chose against him lost their holiness.
Because we’re so weak, it’s easy to feel compassion or even a sense of injustice in this. Afterall, we all make mistakes now and then. Remember- angels were created with a stronger intellect and will than men are given. Also, keep in mind that the angels who were cast out of heaven used their free will to radically and irrevocably reject God and His sovereignty. This is no small matter!
Many theologians believe that in their pre-fallen state the angels were given a foreknowledge of humans (who would be inferior to them), as well as a foreknowledge that God himself (the second Person of the Trinity) would be incarnated as a man and redeem the universe through his death on the cross. This revelation angered Lucifer because it meant he and the other angels would have to worship God incarnate. Lucifer and the other angels who fell were so proud of being superior to men that their arrogance wouldn't allow them to worship Jesus Christ the God-Man. This refusal stemmed from pride. That is the theologian's theory.