26 February 2009

Beyond Rice Bowl: Whole Life Stewardship

Praise God that Lent is finally upon us! Pope John Paul II once shared that “Lent is a time of profound truth which brings conversion,restores hope, and by putting everything back in its proper place, brings peace and optimism.”

Last week at Village you shared with us some of your past Lenten observances. Some of you have given up electronics, sweets, snacking between meals, ice cream, video games, pop, and red meat. Some of you have also added more prayer into your daily routines during Lent. Consider trying to attend *every* Village meeting this Lenten season, to help you grow closer to the Lord!

This year for Lent, Village will be focusing on the three pillars of the season- Prayer, Fasting, and Almsgiving. This Sunday we'll be having guest speaker Sean Lavell address almsgiving. What does God ask of us as far as tithing goes? What does it mean to be a steward of what He has given us? Join us for some prayerful discussion!

I am praying that each of you would have a joyful and meaningful Lenten season!


Village News

Question of the Week: "Do I have to forgive others to receive God's forgiveness?" (http://www.findthevillage.com/, Question of the Week)

Village Mtg Sunday 3/1, Beyond Rice Bowl: Whole Life Stewardship
As part of our Village Lenten Observance, we’ll be focusing on the three pillars of Lent: Almsgiving, Prayer, and Fasting. Join us Sunday for a special discussion on tithing! What does it mean to give alms, and why are we called to do it? How can we live as stewards of all that God has given us?

Fully Alive, The Village Sring Retreat, March 20-22nd
The goal of this retreat is to discover the fullness of life in Christ through real service to the poor around us. More info coming soon!

16 February 2009

Ice Skating Friday!

Thank you for another great Village meeting last night! We got to play 7 Up, my childhood favorite, and have some real dialogue on dating and physical boundaries.

You sure asked some tough questions! Don't miss the question of the week, "Can we talk about gay people and the Church's teachings? Huron is doing a play about a gay man- the Church says what?" Check the answer at www.findthevillage.com, Question of the Week.

The Village goes social this Friday! Join us over at Buhr Park for Ice Skating from 7-9pm, the deadline has been extended to this Wednesday. This was one of our most anticipated socials of the year- skating, playing keep away, eating snacks, and getting lots of time with friends. We need YOU to join us!! Permission slip at http://www.findthevillage.com/!

The Village News February 15th, 2009

Village Ice Skating Social This Friday 2/20
Join the Village for a social night ice skating at Buhr Park Ice Arena from 7-9pm Friday, February 20th! The cost is $8 for skate rental, skating, and snacks. Permission slip (online) and money are due by Wednesday February 18th.

Next Village- Cracking the Our Father
Join us Sunday as we crack open the ancient prayer Jesus entrusted to us, the Our Father! You know it by heart- but do you understand it? How many times have you stumbled through it without mentally registering much meaning?

Last Chance for Steubenville...
A few spaces remain- call this week to get in on the trip! Join the Village for our annual roadtrip to the University of Steubenville this summer. Thousands of teens gather each year to grow in their faith as they participate in the Sacraments and hear some of the best Catholic speakers in the country! We will be going to Steubenville June 12-14th, 2009. The total cost for the retreat is $230, all-inclusive.

'Fully Alive'Spring Retreat is Coming….Save the date….March 20-22nd!

09 February 2009

Sunday's Village- Dating and More!

Dear Villagers,

Last night at Village, John gave a sweet talk on dating! John told us that we don't have to rush into dating just to be "like everyone else," that it's better to take our time and do it right. He talked about the worldly perspective on dating and contrasted that with the Godly perspective. For example, our focus in dating shouldn't be what we can *get* from the other person-God has shown us in Jesus that the goal of our lives (and dating!) is about *giving* to others!

Here's what you said about our Village night on Dating:
  • "I really liked John's talk, it made me rethink my views about dating. I've dated people for the wrong reasons before...now I'll really think about it before I date someone again."
  • "The talks and activities really explained dating from a view that I've never seen. I understand more now!"
  • "The talk recognized the difficulties facing teens today, thx for that."
  • "It was a good perspective on dating, good to know that it's okay to wait."
Join us this Sunday at Village for more specifics on Dating, and answers to your questions!!
Got a question for this Sunday?? Let us know here!

The Village News 2/8

Next Village 2/15- In God’s Image
Join us this Sunday at Village for some separate men’s and women’s discussion! We’ll be talking about boundaries in dating, and all sorts of other stuff. It’ll be a great time to be together as men and women for some in depth dialogue.

Steubenville Registration Deadline- Next Sunday 2/15!
Checkout the promo video for this Summer’s Conference at http://www.franciscanyouth.com/! Join us for our annual roadtrip to the University of Steubenville this summer, June 12-14th, 2009. The total cost for the retreat is $230, all-inclusive. The due date for registration is February 15th, 2009.

Village Ice Skating Social Friday 2/20
Join the Village for a social night ice skating at Buhr Park Ice Arena from 7-9pm Friday, February 20th! The cost is $8 for skate rental, skating, and snacks. Permission slip (online) and money are due by Monday February 16th.

06 February 2009

Sunday's Village- Dating!

Greetings Villagers!

First of all, a big thank you to all who helped make the Confirmation Reception such a great success last Thursday. We had record attendance, and food to spare at the end. It was great fun working together to prepare vegetable trays, make punch, and wash dishes! Thank you for making time to serve the Church.

After our week off for the Superbowl, I am extra excited to see everyone this Sunday at Village for a night on dating. The Volunteers and I have some great activities planned that involve masking tape, candy, newspaper, and lots of questions! John will be leading our discussion about dating. What is dating, anyway? Who should you date? When should you date? Why? Join us to discuss these and many more questions all about dating!

Hope to see you Sunday,
Village News

Sunday's Village 5-6:30 - The Dating Game
Join us this Sunday at Village for some quality discussion on dating! We’ll be talking about all the important stuff- Who, What, When, Why, and How. Don’t miss this opportunity to get some great dating tips and guidelines!

Steubenville Deadline Approaching!!
Join the Village for our annual roadtrip to Steubenville June 12-14th, 2009. Thousands of teens gather each year to grow in their faith as they participate in the Sacraments and hear some of the best Catholic speakers in the country! The total cost for the retreat is $230, all-inclusive. The due date for registration is February 15th, 2009.

New Pictures Posted
New pictures have been posted of Village Spring meetings and events! You can go to http://www.findthevillage.com/ and click on 'Meeting Pics', or simply click here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/findthevillage/collections/72157607096833965/