22 December 2008

New Year's Eve!

Hey Village Family,

It's that time again- time for the 3rd Annual Village New Year's EveOvernight! Join us this year for another amazing New Year's Eve Party!The cost is $8, and the deadline for registration is Sunday, December28th. Please note that the Parish Office is closed Wed Dec 25 throughSat Dec 27th. You can mail in your registration forms! :)

Our New Year's Eve party will feature great food, huge games of FreezeTag, Capture the Flag, Dodgeball, and more. We will have all theVillage-ness that you have come to love; we will be praying NightPrayer and Morning Prayer, and celebrating the last Mass of thecalendar year. All high school students are welcome- bring yourfriends! Please remember to bring a snack to share!

Do you have something fun that we could play with on our Village NewYear's Eve Overnight? Let us know here at the Village Blog!

God bless, and have a very **Merry Christmas**!

17 December 2008

Adoration + Christmas Party!

"The Word became flesh, and dwelt among us." What an incredible God we serve- who came to dwell among us, amidst all the brokenness of humanity. It sure is incredible that He came down from heaven to be with us, and that He remains with us always- in all of our anxieties and through every trial. What a special time Advent is to prepare our hearts for Christmas, to wonder at Jesus- God with us, Emmanuel!!

Advent sure is a busy season, and I am really looking forward to taking some time for stillness before the Lord in Adoration this Sunday at Village. Join us this Sunday for our monthly Adoration Night and our Village Family Christmas Party! It's time to break out the seasonal sweater vests and hoaky Santa hats!

This will be our last Village until January, join us for our New Year's Eve Overnight 12/31!! All high school students are welcome!
The Third Annual Village New Year's Eve Overnight
Wednesday, Dec 31, 2008 9pm– Thursday, Jan 1, 2009 9am

Join the Village for an amazing New Year's Eve Party! Our New Year's Eve party will feature great food, huge games of Freeze Tag, Capture the Flag, Dodgeball, and more.

We will have all the Village-ness that you have come to love; we will be praying Night Prayer and Morning Prayer, and celebrating the last Mass of the calendar year. All high school students are welcome!

To register for the Village New Year's Eve Overnight return permission slip with $8 to help offset costs to St Thomas. Please bring a snack to share! Final registration deadline is December 28th, 2008.

03 December 2008

Show and Tell!

Hey Villagers,

At Village this Sunday we will be talking about Mother Mary- her role in the Church, and her role as our Mother. In gratitude to all of our Mothers, who listen to our silly stories- we will be having Show and Tell! Even pets are allowed if accompanied by an adult. Prizes will be given for: Most Surprising, Largest, Most Furry, and Most Ridiculous. Start planning now, friends!

Also- the Village is considering the idea of hosting a study hour Monday or Wednesday afternoon from 3-6pm here at the Church. It would be a time for Villagers and their friends to stop by, do some homework, watch some TV, listen to music, chat, and have a snack. Would you be interested? Would you come? Head to www.findthevillage.blogspot.com to vote. :)

God Bless!

The Village News December 3rd, 2008

Village 12/7 -Show and Tell
Sunday December 7th, we will be talking about Mother Mary! In gratitude to all of our Mothers, who listen to our silly stories- we will be having Show and Tell! You are allowed to bring anything except dead animals and items that are sexually explicit or related to drugs/alcohol. :) Pets are allowed if accompanied by an adult.

Your Vote Counts!
The Village is considering the idea of hosting a study hour Monday or Wednesday afternoon from 3-6pm here at the Church. It would be a time for Villagers and their friends to stop by, do some homework, watch some TV, listen to music, chat, and have a snack. Would you be interested? Would you come?

Check us out online at www.findthevillage.com! Youth Minister Beth Montgomery can be reached at St Thomas at 761-8606. For emergencies or other things of an immediate nature you can reach her on her cell, 545 0827. If she misses it, leave a message- she checks them regularly!

Questions of the Week
-If everything depends on free will, what good does prayer do, especially on important things (like the Election)?
-Catholics are supposed to practice chastity, but do most people actually do that? What is the percent that do/don't, and why is it so important?