29 September 2008

Discover the Mass!

Dear Villagers,

Next Sunday we will be exploring the Mass. Last year we discussed how we could 'live' the Mass- Monday through Saturday! We talked about how the Mass is the starting place for 'whole life worship'.
This year, for the first time ever we will be doing a dry run through of the Mass led by Father Chas! We will delve into the truth that in each part of Holy Mass, we find the summary of God's love for us. Come to learn more about how the Mass has been constructed to lead you deeper in your encounter with Jesus.
Can you share one insight that you have had about the Mass, either taught or learned?


Village News

Next Village 10/5: Exposition of the Mass

Corn Maize Social Friday, 10/3
We're headed to the Talladay Farm Corn Maize, this Friday October 3rd. Permission slips (online) and money are due today, Monday September 29.

Further Pro-Life Reading
US Conference of Catholic Bishops (http://www.usccb.org/)Articles on all Respect Life issues, including Bishop's Statement on Cloning
Right to Life (http://www.rtl.org/)Articles on Abortion Methods, Partial Birth Abortion, RU-486, Debate Resources, and Recent Legislation
National Catholic Bioethic Center'sEnd of Life Guide (www.ncbcenter.org/eol.asp):
Village Fall Retreat: Coming Soon!!!
Fall Retreat comes early this year, October 24-26th! Our Retreat theme is 'Come and See'. Keep your eyes peeled for more information to come!

Attn: Tom P, Robert P, Melissa S, Mike M, Karen D, and Peter W! The Youth Council will be meeting this Saturday 10/4 in the Parish Library at 9:30am. RSVP to Beth.

22 September 2008

Respect Life!

Dear Villagers, Great to see so many of you for our second Village of the year! Also, it was lots of fun to hit each other with the giant newspaper, and the sardines were fun too. :)

The word of the week is LIFE! As Catholics we are called to stand as a witness for the unborn, those who are so vulnerable of being aborted. Of course being pro-life includes so many other LIFE issues- such as embryonic stem cell research, end of life issues, birth control, and so much more. Thanks to your feedback this past week we will be developing a great plan for our "Respect Life" Village this Sunday.

But wait, there's more! In addition to discussing these issues in the safety and comfort of our church building- join us beforehand as we step out as activists in Ann Arbor at the corner of Washtenaw and Huron Parkway! This Sunday from 2-3:30pm is the annual Life Chain, a peaceful and prayerful witness of pro-lifers standing together for the unborn. This event is hosted by area churches, last year there were nearly 150 children, families and teens! Even Father Jeff came out last year and led us in the Rosary. Don't miss this annual event to pray and stand as a witness for LIFE!

God Bless You All!

The Village News
Sept 21, 2008

Next Sunday- Life ChainLife Chain 2008!
Join Beth next Sunday from 2-3:30 on the corner of Washtenaw and Huron Parkway to hold loving prolife messages, like Adoption the Loving Option, and Abortion Kills Children. This is an annual event put on by Ann Arbor churches- bring the whole family!

Next Village 9/28
Join us next Sunday at Village from 5-6:30 as we discuss Pro Life Issues such as partial birth abortion, the ‘right’ to choice, embryonic stem cell research, end of life issues, and more. Come to learn how you can love God by raising awareness for the most vulnerable in our society- the unborn.

Hospitality Requests
If you weren’t able to this week, ***please*** bring a non-perishable snack to Village next Sunday. See Jacob and Nealia to bring a perishable snack once or twice. If everyone pitches in, we can afford pizza on Adoration Nights!

Corn Maize Social 10/3
We’re headed to the Talladay Farm Corn Maize, Friday October 3rd. What a great day to get lost in a ginormous field of corn! Drop off will be at Talladay Farms (6270 Judd Rd, Milan, MI 48160) at 6:30pm, and pickup will be there as well, at 9pm. All 7th -12th graders are welcome! Permission slips (online) and money are due Monday September 29.

Grown Up Soda
When you volunteer with GUS you become a Christian Role Model to young Catholics. GUS is such an important ministry! Due to the sensitive nature of volunteering with Middle School students, there is some paperwork to be done! All GUS Volunteers must fill out Responding to Grace, as well as the Diocesan Code of Conduct ASAP.

15 September 2008

Village: Come and See

Dear Villagers,

Thank you to everyone for a wonderful kickoff to our third year of Youth Ministry at St Thomas! With nearly 40 of us there last night, it was great to see so many new faces.

Our theme for the semester is 'Come and See', words Jesus spoke to the disciples when he first encountered them near Bethany. That invitation is issued to each of us at every moment! Christianity is not merely a philosophy- it is not about obligations or good works, but about an encounter with Christ.

Join us this semester at The Village as we Encounter Christ in Eucharistic Adoration and in one another. Pope John Paul II calls out to each of us- "only an encounter with Jesus can give full meaning to our lives!"

See below for the Village News!

Youth Minister St Thomas the Apostle

Village News

This Sunday 9/21:
Join us next Sunday from 5-6:30 as we discuss Our Lord Jesus. Could he have been a good moral teacher but not God, as some suggest? Just who was Jesus of Nazareth- was He a Liar, a Lunatic, or Lord?

Hospitality Request:
Please bring a non-perishable snack to Village next Sunday. We will be storing everything, and using it throughout the semester for Village events.

Corn Maize Social Friday 10/3:
We’re headed to the Talladay Farm Corn Maize, Friday October 3rd. Drop off will be at Talladay Farms at 6:30pm, and pickup will be there as well, at 9pm. Permission slips (online) and money are due Monday September 29.

Grown Up Soda Teen Leaders:
Our Middle School Youth Group, GUS, is kicking off this Friday September 19th from 6:30-8pm. All GUS Volunteers must arrive by 6pm to prepare. Contact Beth if you are interested in volunteering with GUS! We will have an Orientation this Friday before GUS begins.

Thank You:
A huge thank you goes out to Bridget Fil and Andy Forbing, two of our amazing Village Volunteers who will be retiring from active ministry with The Village this year. Bridget and Andy have been with us for a year and a half, and have made a huge difference in the lives of our Villagers!

Picture- the winning small group!! holy cow, you were fast. :)