1. I've become obsessed with the TV Show! Although I'm about 3 years behind the show, I love the idea of having no idea where you are... having to look for clues... and the adventure of chaos at every turn.
2. I seem to get lost quite a bit! This past weekend I roadtrip-ed it to Cincinnati with Rachel, only to get lost innumerable times! Maps and I don't get along- so I turn to Mapquest, only to be confused when signs don't read exactly as Mapquest said they would. Sunday afternoon I was wandering through downtown Cincinnati talking to Rob on the phone- only to realize I had gone 15 minutes in the wrong direction!
There are millions of ways to get lost in real life- wrong turns, confusion, anger, and sin to name a few. Of course recognizing that you are lost suggests there is somewhere you are trying to go!
As Catholics we are called to Put Out Into the Deep- to follow Jesus into the deep waters...to put our trust in Him to the test. It's easy to trust in Jesus when you stay in the shallow end. Jesus calls us to recognize *who* we are- and *what* we are called to! This semester, at Spring Retreat, we will be focusing on who we are.
Beloved. Chosen. Called.
Village News:
Village Volunteer Changes: Bethany Thelen to focus more on Catholic Nursing Student Association