Lent is quickly approaching- this week on Ash Wednesday we will be greeted with the words "Turn away from sin, and be faithful to the Gospel" as we begin our 40 day preparation for Easter. As Catholics we focus on 3 forms of conversion during Lent- prayer, fasting, and almsgiving.
Have you thought about what you will do for the Lenten season? The time is short, friends! The Lord longs for each of us to prayerfully consider what we might do to open our hearts more fully to His love. Lent is a great opportunity for us to get in shape spiritually.
How could you deepen your commitment to prayer this Lent? In what ways could you honor the Lord by observing a fast? How might you be a better steward of all that God has entrusted you with?
Have you thought about what you will do for the Lenten season? The time is short, friends! The Lord longs for each of us to prayerfully consider what we might do to open our hearts more fully to His love. Lent is a great opportunity for us to get in shape spiritually.
How could you deepen your commitment to prayer this Lent? In what ways could you honor the Lord by observing a fast? How might you be a better steward of all that God has entrusted you with?
Here are a few ideas you might consider for Lent:
- Pray the Rosary everyday
- Read a chapter of a Gospel in the Bible everyday
- Join the Village Thursday nights for Bible Study
- Pray the Stations of the Cross on Fridays
- Examine your conscience each night
- Give up eating sweets
- Give up adding salt to your food
- Give up adding condiments to your food
- Tithe a portion of your allowance and give it to the poor
- Intentionally spend time getting to know your siblings each week
- Help your parents make dinner once or twice each week
What will *you* do for Lent?
No Village Sunday, 2/3 due to the Superbowl :(
Confirmation Reception Hosted by the Village Saturday, 2/2
Help setup for the Village Confirmation Reception this Saturday! Confirmation Mass begins at 11am, and Reception follows Mass. The goal here is to get to know those recently confirmed and let them know abt the Village! Wear a Village shirt if you have one. If you are able to attend the Mass that’s great, if not, please arrive by 12 noon to get things ready in the Parish Hall.
Steubenville Summer Retreat
Registration will be starting soon for the Steubenville Summer Youth Conference June 13-15! We have 25 spots reserved. Throughout the weekend we will spend time with Christ in Adoration, be fed by His Body and Blood at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, receive His forgiveness in Reconciliation, enter into praise and worship with powerful music, and be encouraged and challenged by some of the finest Catholic speakers in the country. Over 40,000 teens attend a Steubenville Conference every summer!!
Bible Study is Every Thursday, 7-8:30pm
Due to popular demand, our old Bible Study is coming back! Join Beth Montgomery and Volunteer Rachel Dudek in studying the book of 1 Peter this semester, on Thursday nights from 7-8:30pm here at St Thomas.